Lea Minow

  • Europe

Based in Potsdam (DE).

Lea Minow

Lea is a Social and Cultural Anthropologist, researcher and author.

Lea is interested in the intersection of holistic wellbeing, power relations and complexities of collectivity and solidarity, currently exploring, “Accessibility and Inclusion in Digital and Hybrid Learning Environments” together with School of Commons. The project is founded by the Mercator Foundation.

Re:make Diversity

Re:make Diversity / Stiftung Mercator and School of Commons

Zugänglichkeit und Inklusion in hybriden und digitalen Lern- und Projektumgebungen. Find out more

Launch: PODPAST Futures of Arts Education


School of Commons FAST45 - Launch: PODPAST Futures of Arts Education

Tune in to access time-space zones from both near and far and hear the hottest takes on the presents, pasts, and futures of arts education… Find out more


FOOTNOTES 2045: Annotating the Futures of Arts Education

Annotating the Futures of Arts Education: A summer school that imagines, rethinks and shapes the futures of arts education. Find out more