Adriana Domínguezis

  • Europe

Currently living and working in Zurich

She is co-founder and co-curator of la_cápsula, a curatorial platform and independent art space in Zurich that seeks to create a dialogue between the artistic and cultural production of Latin America and the Swiss/local scene. Since 2017 she has collaborated with artist Paloma Ayala to create and activate MEXA!, an archive of independent publications from Mexico, which is part of the VOLUMES Archive. Adriana graduated from Art History from Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City and did a MAS in Curating at ZHdK. She worked as Assistant Curator for Museo Tamayo in Mexico City, and has curated exhibitions in art spaces nad commercial galleries both in Mexico and Switzerland, including Kunstraum Walchetur, Helmhaus (as part of VOLUMES Zurich), Galerie Peter Kilchmann and Knoerle & Baettig Contemporary, She currently works for art galleries Grieder Contemporary and Galerie Wenger.