Aline Hernández is a Mexican art historian and exhibition curator. She was recently appointed Artistic Director of Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons in Utrecht. Together with Executive Director Marianna Takou, the new artistic leadership remains dedicated to prefiguring post-capitalist ways of living together through art-making, exhibitions, and arts organizing. Their approach emphasizes a collective curatorial practice rooted in anti- and decolonial as well as feminist perspectives on commoning. Hernández is part of the core tutor collective for the Lumbung Practice Master (a collaboration between Sandberg Instituut, De Appel, and Gudskul) and is currently pursuing an SGSAH-funded PhD at St Andrews University, focusing on the spatial politics of (trans)feminicide violence in contemporary Mexico. She is also a member of the Mexican cooperative Cráter Invertido and the trans-local ecosystems of Arts Collaboratory and lumbung.