We call Cassie an artist because we don't have a better title for someone working this hard on invisible stuff, like changing. But in another time, she might have been called a janitor, one in a long line of descendents of Janus –two faced god of transitions, time and passages– in Ancient Roman myth. Cassie has come to clean up the messes of her confused, lonely and dysfunctional family, the beneficiaries of the western empires. A two-faced catalyst, Cassie works in at least two ways to clean up some of the old colonial and capitalist garbage lying around our collective psychic architecture. First, using good-natured practices she has developed including The Hologram, she helps groups and individuals build social infrastructure with trust, integrity and communication that will naturally evict hierarchies and toxic uses of power. This work includes workshops, consulting, and lectures about care, debt and crisis. This work can live independently or can be the groundwork for the second type of work, which includes sharp and incisive political art about the absurdity of our most sacred social structures (power, privilege, financialization and security) on a burning planet. This work has recently included writing extensively about The Flat White Dimension, attending a tech conference as a working class elder from the future, or turning a Swiss Spa into a place that transforms privilege into something useful. Cassie wrote a popular book called The Hologram published by Pluto Press, and helped launch an international social movement where all caregivers are cared for. She is also a steward for a bar that is secretly a social clinic in Berlin.
SoC Assembly 2025

‘How to Assemble in our current social, political, economic, ecological times?’ Find out more
The Hologram: Mutual Aid Research
06.06.2024, 19:00 – 20:00 (CET)

Informal gathering hosted online, open to the public. Find out more