To understand new actors, spaces and practices of ‘the political’ at large, Friederike works with cultural activist groups and institutions to trace their positions in struggles for (re)presentation and claims-making. Her dissertation Agonistic Articulations in the ‘Creative’ City — On New Actors and Activism in Berlin’s Cultural Politics (Routledge, 2019) conceptualizes the mobilization of Berlin-based artists through a lens of conflict. Currently, Friederike works on the politics of public art in the neighborhood of Chinatown in Vancouver, Canada.
Art On Demand - Radicalizing Access to Art in Times of Crisis

Art On Demand is a collaborative participatory project which creates a platform from and for artists, curators, writers, theorists and audiences to collectively share and experience the creation of and encounter with art. Part of "Learning from COVID19: Reflections on knowledge-related commons and practices of self-organization amidst COVID19." Read more