Stichting A Lab Lab 106. Overhoeksplein 2. 1031KS Amsterdam
With over 280 members in 52 countries, it represents over 300.000 students in all arts disciplines.
Our cross-disciplinary quality makes ELIA unique as a network. ELIA advocates for higher arts education by empowering and creating new opportunities for our members and facilitating the exchange of good practices. ELIA collaborates with partner networks around the world.
(Un) Known Futures: FAST 45
06.12.2023, 06.12.23, 09:00 – 13:00

For the last three years, School of Commons has been an associated partner of FAST45 (Futures Art School Trends 2045). Together with 12 partner institutions, we created future scenarios for institutions of higher art education and drafted policies and roadmaps for futures of Arts Education. Find out more

Annotating the Futures of Arts Education: A summer school that imagines, rethinks and shapes the futures of arts education. Find out more
Footnotes: Annotating the Future of Arts Education
29.08.2022 — 01.09.2022, 29.08.22, 09:00 – 01.09.22, 22:00

Footnotes is a Summer School for academics, professionals, students and curious people organised by School of Commons. It will take place from 29 August to 1 September 2022, on the campus of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Find out more