Sofia Goetz

  • Europe
Sofia Goetz

She has played with orchestral and chamber music groups in the most important Italian theatres and has distinguished herself by winning national and international prizes, as well as important auditions organised by institutions of the calibre of the Perosi Academy in Biella, the Chigiana Academy in Siena, the Gustav Mahler Academy and the Academy of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan. With La Scala, he has toured the famous theatre and abroad, such as when he performed in front of the highest state officials at EXPO 2021 in Dubai. In 2022 he won an audition to become a member of the Gustav Mahler Jugend Orchestra. In between her international concert career and her master's degree in attainment at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste in Zurich, Sofia Goetz has also turned her attention to research, winning a competition from the School of Commons association in Zurich for a research project in the arts.


26.12.2022 — 06.12.2022, 26.11.22, 19:00 – 06.12.22, 18:00

School of Commons - On alternative environments for learning

On alternative environments for learning Exhibition, Workshops, Performances and Podium Unveiling the works in progress of the hybrid, multidisciplinary research of SoC’s 2022 fellows and beyond Find out more

The No Way Experience

03.05.2022 — 06.05.2022, 03.05.22, 18:00 – 06.05.22, 16:00

The No Way Experience

The No Way Experience has the not at all modest aim of creating a musical dimension that does not exist. A musical dimension that is first of all a crossroads. Find out more