Video Screening with Paula Baeza Pailamilla

03.12.2020, 03.12.20, 18:30 – 20:00

  • Lab

The Mapuche artist Paula Baeza Pailamilla (*1988, lives and works in Santiago, Chile) centers her practice in the recuperation of ancestral knowledge. In performances, workshops, and videos she enganges the audience with Mapuche culture as a means to contrast the social and ecological modern condition. Natural and urban spaces are occupied in her works by the bodies of Indigenous women in actions that address a condition of invisibility in the context where they live today, displaced from their originary territories.

In her essay „Anümn/Plantar“, published by Do Nothing Curating, Paula Baeza Pailamilla discusses the turning relationships between the colonial project, the Mapuche territory, and monuments. During her residency in Zurich she developed a new site specific performance, curated by Do Nothing Curating and supported by School of Commons.

Mulled Wine offered by School of Commons!

Mateo Chacon-Pino

Mateo is a Colombian-Swiss art historian and curator.