Gabriel Hensche

  • Europe

Based between Berlin and Zagreb

Gabriel Hensche

Since 2022, Gabriel has been part of the leadership team at the School of Commons, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), and oversees the Peer Learning Program.

Gabriel is a visual artist and educator. He works with moving image, performance, and constructed situations that explore possibilities for community and co-existence in the face of current technological developments. He creates exercises, rituals and games collectively with other artists sharing the belief that ‘play’ can be a destabilizing action that loosens the social code and potentially revivifies habituated, reflex-tending forms of life.

Having served as Managing Director, he helped establish and grow Campus Gegenwart (DE) from 2017 to 2022. This transdisciplinary center promoted networking in practice and reflection at the State University of Music and Performing Arts, Stuttgart.

His work has been presented offline and online in museums, biennials, galleries, film festivals, residencies and public spaces including: Kunst-Werke Berlin (DE), Project Anywhere (NY), B-Tour Festival (DE, SRB), Nida Art Colony (LT), Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (FR) Art Cube Jerusalem (IL), Viafarini, Milan (IT), Akademie Schloss Solitude (DE), Württembergischer Kunstverein (DE), Sinopale (TR), Brooklyn Film Festival (US), Slamdance Film Festival (US), Manifesta 11, Cabaret der Künstler (CH).



The project sought to increase the flow, dialogue, and exchange of experiences between curators and artists from Switzerland and the South American Altiplano, connecting with specific territories through artistic residencies. Find out more

Open Call: IdeaSquare & School of Commons

05.12.2024 — 12.12.2024

The deadline to reserve a place is e.o.d, 01 November 2024. Find out more

How to Love Many in Many Ways

The (Un)Learner

The Digital Search Engine for Art Education


The Digital Search Engine for Art Education brought together institutions and participants from the independent scene involved in art education and archiving. Find out more

SoC Gathering, 2024

27.06.2024 — 30.06.2024

School of Commons Gathering 2024, Zurich

Reflecting on the SoC Gathering this past week at Zurich University of the Arts. Find out more


26.12.2022 — 06.12.2022, 26.11.22, 19:00 – 06.12.22, 18:00

School of Commons - On alternative environments for learning

On alternative environments for learning Exhibition, Workshops, Performances and Podium Unveiling the works in progress of the hybrid, multidisciplinary research of SoC’s 2022 fellows and beyond Find out more

The Commons Online

One platform, with community at its core—our culture is collective sustainability. Find out more

SoC Cohort End of Year, 2023

03.02.2024 — 04.02.2024, 03.02.24, 10:00 – 04.02.24, 23:00

"What Could Possibly Go Right?" Exhibition, Performances, and Workshops by the School of Commons 2023 Cohort

Exhibition, Performances, and Workshops by the School of Commons 2023 Cohort *All workshops and events are free of charge and open to everyone Find out more

IdeaSquare x SoC

IdeaSquare and School of Commons are collaborating on a series of workshops exploring 'The Future of Collaboration'. Find out more