Mateo Chacon-Pino

  • Europe

Based in Kassel, Germany


How to do Nothing by Dharmendra Prasad

04.12.2020, 04.12.20, 15:00 – 16:30

How to do Nothing – A workshop by Dharmendra Prasad

Dharmendra and Tara have developed a workshop on how to do nothing in collaboration with Do Nothing Curating. The participants will experiment with doing nothing, toiling, and waiting – a continuation in practices of locality that lay ground to Dharmendra’s artistic work. Find out more

Do Nothing Curating

Learning together, when doing apart


07.11.2020, 07.11.20, 14:00 – 16:00

The Mapuche artist Paula Baeza Pailamilla (*1988, lives and works in Santiago, CL) centers her practice in the recuperation of ancestral knowledge. In performances, workshops, and videos she enganges the audience with Mapuche culture as a means to contrast the social and ecological modern condition. Find out more

Video Screening with Paula Baeza Pailamilla

03.12.2020, 03.12.20, 18:30 – 20:00

Video Screening with Paula Baeza Pailamilla

This window screening will premiere the video footage of her recent performance, together with previous videos: Wüfko (2019), Que no nos quiten la voz (2018) and Mongeley Taiñ Dungun (2018). Find out more