Pule kaJanolintji

  • Africa

Pule is a scholar of linguistics and a cultural historian of speech practices of Azania/!Naremâb, promoting writing systems of the continent, like N'Ko or Ditema tsa Dinoko script. His MA research describes South African cryptolects - secret forms of speech.

"Le Mythe Submerge (The Myth Exceeds)"

03.02.2024, 03.02.24, 17:30 – 18:00

"Le Mythe Submerge (The Myth Exceeds)" –  performance by Pule kaJanolintji, Richard Welch, Kit Kuksenok, Elisa Lemma

Performance by Pule kaJanolintji, Richard Welch, Elisa Lemma Find out more


26.12.2022 — 06.12.2022, 26.11.22, 19:00 – 06.12.22, 18:00

School of Commons - On alternative environments for learning

On alternative environments for learning Exhibition, Workshops, Performances and Podium Unveiling the works in progress of the hybrid, multidisciplinary research of SoC’s 2022 fellows and beyond Find out more


02.11.2023, 02.11.23, 18:00 – 20:00

School of Commons Teaching Session: FREE UPDATE

By means of fragmentation, destruction and the reconstitution of well-known figures, themes and strategies of mass media, Bjørn Melhus not only creates possibilities of other interpretations and critical commentaries but also tries to redefine the relationship between mass media and spectators. Find out more

"Garden Mythtory: Observe Closely, Connect Broadly, Think Critically"

04.02.2024, 04.02.24, 20:00 – 20:30

"Garden Mythtory: Observe Closely, Connect Broadly, Think Critically" – walkthrough of exhibition by Richard Welch, supported by Pule kaJanolintji for Makhandzambili

Walkthrough of exhibition by Richard Welch, supported by Pule kaJanolintji Find out more

Makhandzambili Session Zero: Cave of H(ear)ing

22.10.2023, 22.10.23, 14:30 – 16:30

School of Commons: Makhandzambili Session Zero: Cave of H(ear)ing

This is a hybrid peer-learning seed project that reimagines Southern African natural heritage sites as venues for the sharing of artistic research and practice in virtual and physical spaces. Find out more