Based in Amsterdam

Through their work they try to (co)examine surroundings through recognizing fuzzy boundaries; highlighting through "both"/"and also", instead of "either/or"; seeing non-linear / non-binary / plural, and the necessity to operate from questions and possibilities instead of answers.
In-progress co/living (hybrid event)
04.02.2024, 04.02.24, 14:00 – 15:00

The “Co/living: Points of Entry” project will do a short interactive presentation on the knowledges, perspectives and practices for shared living environments, which they gathered from conversations, workshops, and other experiences throughout their research in the 2023 School of Commons cohort. Find out more
Consensual Questioning and Collective Implementation
17.10.2023, 17.10.23, 18:00 – 20:00

Consensual Questioning and Collective Implementation is a lecture and workshop event, during which Pendar Nabipour, a visual artist, independent curator and art educated based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands will introduce possible answers to these questions in relation to his research project Open Source Governance. Find out more
Collectively imagining co/living situations
12.12.2023, 12.12.23, 17:00 - 19:00

During the workshop, participants will collectively engage with shared living situations and their interrelation with spectrums of migration, gender, ability, health, cultural background, and others, addressing the current housing crisis and its implications. Find out more