Exploring economies of touch and haptic forms of labour

14.12.2020, Monday 14th December, 15.30-17.00 (GMT)

  • Online
  • Lab

Join via zoom. *Password: 9bF06H

Nothing ever actually touches anything else. When electrons get close, they repel one another. Labours of touch often go undocumented or overlooked, yet have remarkable material affects. We touch, keep in-touch, feel touched. Being caressed by someone we like triggers the ‘love’ hormone oxytocin, conversely, those who are are not cuddled and held enough in infancy suffer lifelong negative effects. Touch in all its forms, as a caress, a pinch, a spank, a tickle, or a light brush of reassurance are provisions of care and social replenishment in different contexts. In its multiple possible manifestations, human touch sits in close proximity both to sensuality, collectivity, love, and to trauma.

This round table explores economies of touch and focuses on haptic forms of work. During a moment marked by an absence of physical contact and hegemonic social depletion, we will discuss forms of labour (paid and unpaid) in which touch is currency; such as therapy, sensorial relationships, sex work, and parenting. The roundtable will be hosted via Zoom and is free and open to anyone who would like to participate.

*Access: an audio recording will be available after our discussion for anyone that cannot attend the zoom discussion

Darya Diamond

Darya is an artist, writer, and sex worker.

Kari Robertson

Kari Robertson (b.1988 Edinburgh, UK) is a visual artist, teacher and researcher largely concerned with eco-social themes.

Katherine MacBride is an artist, often researching listening as a creative and political practice.

Hannes Hellstrom is a nurse and father based in Glasgow (UK)

Black Venus is an Educator Martial Artist, Dancer, Sexual Despot… all-around Afrodisiac