Based in Rotterdam
She has recently exhibited at CCB, Bogota and TENT Rotterdam.
Entangled Pathogens - Interview with Dr. Lina Moses

'Moses utilises methods from both epidemiology and ecology to understand the interface of human, animal and pathogen.' Read more
Exploring economies of touch and haptic forms of labour
14.12.2020, Monday 14th December, 15.30-17.00 (GMT)

Mark your calendars! *A conversation about sensorial economies of touch and haptic labour* Find out more
Growing a Pearl

'It’s hard to relate to an oyster, they have no brain and the most primitive of central nervous systems.' Read more
On Shrinking

In a human lifetime the period in which we grow taller is relatively short, a maximum of eighteen or nineteen years. Read more
Wet Nurses, Microbes, Milk-siblings: Milk as Liquid Conduit

'Milk impregnated the particular atmosphere of women.' Read more