Un mundo ch'ixi es posible. Capítulo: Micropolítica andina. Formas elementales de insurgencia cotidiana


  • Europe

Willem de Kooning Academy, Blaak 10, 3011 TA Rotterdam

  • Lab

Short intro into Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, La Paz (Bolivia) 1949. She was once derogatorily called sochologa: a mixture of sociologist and chola. She made the attack her flag. She is also a historian and essayist. She was a professor at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. She was director and co-founder of the Andean Oral History Workshop (THOA). She has an extensive militant career. Today she is a member of the Chi’xi Collective.The word and concept of Ch’ixi is the main concept of her book and work, it is taken from Aymara culture: “It captures the Aymara idea of something that is and is not at the same time. Ch’ixi “expresses the parallel coexistence of multiple cultural differences that do not extinguish but instead antagonize and complement each other.”Everybody translated one page, interlingualy (between languages) and intralingualy (to your own words, slang) after that we made a coral reading of each of the pages, trying to grasp the concept of micropolicts.

The final text is very difficult to read, and is more the trace of the experience of the undertranslation. As Puerto rican artist Beatriz Santiago recently shared with is: translating is the best way of reading. We got that feeling in the workshop, even with all the difficulties, we left with a feeling that we came close the concept of micropolitics by doing micropolitics, by using decolonial pedagogy.

undertranslators: Vera de Oliveira Martins Machado da Costa, Samyuktha Rajagopal, Camila Trapasso, Dimis Zymaras, Stefanie Essaadi, Frans Wassen and Dodzi Nyaku.

PDF :: un mundo ch’ixi undertraducido

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Intersemiotic undertranslation

17.11.2023, 17.11.23, 17:00–19:00


This event will be moderated by María Angélica Madero and Santiago Pinyol, in collaboration with Laura Emsley. Intersemiotic translation or transmutation is an interpretation of verbal signs from nonverbal sign systems. Find out more

Cuando los subalternos entran en el museo: desobediencia epistémica y crítica institucional.a institucional


This text by Paul Preciado was undertranslated by the second year students of deFine Art department from the Willem de Kooning Academy as part of a theory class.

This text by Paul Preciado was undertranslated by the second year students of deFine Art department from the Willem de Kooning Academy as part of a theory class. Find out more