HumDrum Press is a soon-to-be experimental publishing imprint and expanded publishing practice that works, through collaborative means, to question the boundaries of “publishing” – publishing here understood as praxis, methodology, physical outcome, artistic & design practice, and research discipline – and experiment with developing more horizontal, sustainable, and public models of publishing. In doing so, HumDrum Press wishes to explore new, connected ways of documenting and disseminating voices, ideas, and contexts, and better understand the role of publishing and publisher within current political, economic, and ecological climates.

Though the printed pamphlet is our preferred form for publishing, we remain eager and interested in understanding publishing through a manifold of diverse formats and communication types, including, but not limited to: essay, novella, manual, manifesto, letter, blueprint, poetry, photography, illustration, performance, conversation, sketch, installation and more, and as individual, collective, or accumulative publishing instances.

At the heart of HumDrum Press is the understanding of publishing as a commons, and publishing as public, or community, good. The imprint is therefore shaped and shared by our network of collaborating individuals, organizations, and institutions. Our aim is to build and maintain a publishing home of such networks and knowledges, from both temporary and longer-term collaborators and partners to create a supportive, sustainable print framework and accompanying series of live programmed events.

Through the work of the core HumDrum team, in partnership with our expanded network of friends and collaborators, we seek to activate live events, visual communication, the written form, and subscription-based formats to reimagine the artistic and societal role and value of printed press.

Wibke Bramesfeld

Wibke is an independent graphic and communication designer.

Andy Norstrom

Experienced marketer, project manager and researcher.f

Amy Gowen

Since 2023, Amy has been part of the leadership team at the School of Commons, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), overseeing the Publishing and Public Program. In 2024, she was appointed Deputy Director.

A Manifesto for Publishing the HumDrum Way

The (Un)Learner


26.12.2022 — 06.12.2022, 26.11.22, 19:00 – 06.12.22, 18:00

School of Commons - On alternative environments for learning

On alternative environments for learning Exhibition, Workshops, Performances and Podium Unveiling the works in progress of the hybrid, multidisciplinary research of SoC’s 2022 fellows and beyond Find out more

Books are Bridges: a workshop with backbonebooks

During the month of April, HumDrum Press had the pleasure of being invited to join a workshop led by backbonebooks as part of PrintRoom Rotterdam's Growing the Archive series.

During the month of April, HumDrum Press had the pleasure of being invited to join a workshop led by backbonebooks as part of PrintRoom Rotterdam's Growing the Archive series. Read more

💙 A Manifesto for Publishing the HumDrum Way 💙

HumDrum Press 💙 A Manifesto for Publishing the HumDrum Way 💙

We understand the manifesto as active, growing, lived in and through, alive. Read more