LEARN (Learning Environment And Research Nucleus) is a thematic framework, developed by SoC, for a working group/lab. LEARNs are collaborative, self-organized research projects. They are collaborative units consisting of at least three members.

For Who

LEARNs are intended for groups that want to collectively pursue a research project. We are therefore looking for persons who value collaborative working methods and peer exchange.


LEARNs can decide for themselves what topics, methods, styles, content, and outcomes they want to put their energy towards, so long as they are worked on together. LEARNs are process-oriented and do not necessarily work towards a predetermined outcome. *One of three previous ‘labs’ at School of Commons (2017-2022)


The (Un)Learner

From a Distance

Learning together, when doing apart

Introduction to the VOLUMES archive

Learning together, when doing apart

Fire is Scary: Translating Sound and Image


Parasites at Work

Learning together, when doing apart

a cyber room of our own

Learning together, when doing apart


The (Un)Learner

On Becoming Island

Learning together, when doing apart

A Manifesto for Publishing the HumDrum Way

The (Un)Learner

Talking with a tongue - A glossary to redefine your thinking


The New Word for World is Archipelago

Learning together, when doing apart

Liquid Futures

Learning together, when doing apart

Do Nothing Curating

Learning together, when doing apart

Participating the Participatory


On the crudity of futures

Learning together, when doing apart

Learning in Island Ecologies (intro)

Learning together, when doing apart

Just Listening

The (Un)Learner

Editorial 2021 Harvesting


Post-Walking Scriptum


Everything Else is Rethorics

Learning together, when doing apart

Plant Sorcierès


Lists from Nowhere

Learning together, when doing apart

Islands within Islands

Learning together, when doing apart