Seed banks are banks in the sense of places of collection, protection and exchange, but they are also archives. They contain biological and genetic information and organic DNA, but they also contain stories, narratives and imaginary tools, so to be considered as memory containers.

The genetic material presented in them is intertwined and embedded with the stories of the plants to which it belongs, and with the stories of the people who created the collection and who take care of it.

Seed banks are also tools to preserve life and the biological variety and to fight for food safety and food sovereignty, a space of resistance to capitalist transgenic biotechnologies. Groups of people around the world are organizing themself to create these spaces to save not only their lives and the ones of future generations but also cultures and traditions.

With “A thousand times we will grow” we want to study how activities of gathering, preservation, maintenance and care are activated as resistance practices. We want to observe these strategies in different countries, focusing our attention on both self-managed granoteque and institutional bank seeds. Our field research will be moving between countries, following different groups who organized themselves to create self-managed seed banks to counteract the processes of destruction of biological variety and local traditions by multinationals.

We are interested in investigating how care can be considered a practice of resistance and a defense strategy and how these practices can develop through alliances with the vegetal world. In doing this we would like to start from the stories carried by the seeds, but also contained in these special archives and brought there by people caring for them.


PlanteSorcières is an interdisciplinary long term project about the transmission of the knowledge as an act of resistance and the process of sharing as a way of survival.

Raquel Marillanca Loncopan

Raquel is an intercultural educator and prominent leader of the Mapuche community “Manuel Marillanca” of Maichin LLafa (Araucanía, Chile).

A thousand times we will grow & spellbook of poetic pedagogies

02.06.2021, 17:00 – 19:00 (CET)

Informal gathering hosted online, open to the public. Find out more

Seeds in conversation - A trans-territorial dialogue about seeds, care and resistance

15.01.2022, 15.01.22, 16:00 – 18:00

Seeds in conversation - A trans-territorial dialogue about seeds, care and resistance

We are very pleased to invite you to this transgenerational dialogue which will bring together the experiences and knowledge of women who live in distant territories. Find out more

Plant Sorcierès
