An ecology may not just exist in the biosphere but also be a model of thought for other kinds of entities. The concept of non-hierarchical connections between entities and knowledge is as sustainable as an undisturbed ecosystem. Various ecologies may be superimposed and interlaced with each other.
Sonic inclusions
21.09.2023, 21.09.23, 16.00-17.30

Sound installation with recordings from Almaty, Berlin, Bogota, Kampala, Paris, Venice and more Find out more
Entangled Pathogens - Interview with Dr. Lina Moses

'Moses utilises methods from both epidemiology and ecology to understand the interface of human, animal and pathogen.' Read more
Seeds in conversation - A trans-territorial dialogue about seeds, care and resistance
15.01.2022, 15.01.22, 16:00 – 18:00

We are very pleased to invite you to this transgenerational dialogue which will bring together the experiences and knowledge of women who live in distant territories. Find out more
How to do Nothing by Dharmendra Prasad
04.12.2020, 04.12.20, 15:00 – 16:30

Dharmendra and Tara have developed a workshop on how to do nothing in collaboration with Do Nothing Curating. The participants will experiment with doing nothing, toiling, and waiting – a continuation in practices of locality that lay ground to Dharmendra’s artistic work. Find out more
Politics of (dis)assembling
19.06.2023 — 29.06.2023, 19.06.23, 19:30 – 29.06.23, 22:00

Politics of (dis)assembling on 19.06.2023 with T.J. Demos, Marwa Arsanios, ON/OFF Collective, Patu Politics of (dis)assembling on 29.06.2023 with Jennifer Ponce de Léon, STOP DEPORTATION CENTER BER!, ON/OFF Collective with Zoë Ritts, Patu Find out more
07.11.2020, 07.11.20, 14:00 – 16:00

The Mapuche artist Paula Baeza Pailamilla (*1988, lives and works in Santiago, CL) centers her practice in the recuperation of ancestral knowledge. In performances, workshops, and videos she enganges the audience with Mapuche culture as a means to contrast the social and ecological modern condition. Find out more
A Forest of Many Worlds
09.10.2021 — 30.10.2021, 09.10.21, 18:00 Exhibition Opening

With Paula Baeza Pailamilla, Aldir Polymeris, Willimann/Arai, Sarina Scheidegger, Dominik Zietlow and Paloma Ayala. Find out more
Sonic Scavenging: Hidden Music In The Wild
29.07.2023, 29.07.23, 13:00 – 17:00

“Sonic Scavenging: Hidden Music In The Wild” is a workshop organized by Lena Pozdnyakova and Eldar Tagi (of There, there working group). It is designed to open up the world of sound to children, offering them a unique opportunity to engage with their environment through auditory exploration. Find out more
Growing a Pearl

'It’s hard to relate to an oyster, they have no brain and the most primitive of central nervous systems.' Read more
Reading between the lines: Hunting-Gathering
10.06.2023 — 30.06.2023, 10.06.23, 19:00 – 30.06.23, 21:00

The title and the approach to show (in the art practice or living as an artist and cultural worker under the conditions of capitalism to sustain a livelihood, hunting for projects, hustling with ideas, and other things) refers to numerous levels of existence in the world. Find out more
On Shrinking

In a human lifetime the period in which we grow taller is relatively short, a maximum of eighteen or nineteen years. Read more
Wet Nurses, Microbes, Milk-siblings: Milk as Liquid Conduit

'Milk impregnated the particular atmosphere of women.' Read more