Curatorial Research

The realisation of thoughts and questions in curatorial form (exhibition, publications, time-based formats, etc.) may open up its own answers as a research methodology.


On Mutual Support

How to do Nothing by Dharmendra Prasad

04.12.2020, 04.12.20, 15:00 – 16:30

How to do Nothing – A workshop by Dharmendra Prasad

Dharmendra and Tara have developed a workshop on how to do nothing in collaboration with Do Nothing Curating. The participants will experiment with doing nothing, toiling, and waiting – a continuation in practices of locality that lay ground to Dharmendra’s artistic work. Find out more

Do Nothing Curating

Learning together, when doing apart


07.11.2020, 07.11.20, 14:00 – 16:00

The Mapuche artist Paula Baeza Pailamilla (*1988, lives and works in Santiago, CL) centers her practice in the recuperation of ancestral knowledge. In performances, workshops, and videos she enganges the audience with Mapuche culture as a means to contrast the social and ecological modern condition. Find out more

Notes on “A dialogue must take place precisely because we don’t speak the same language”

Learning together, when doing apart

A Slow Down Manifesto

A Slow Down Manifesto

Slow Down session is a proposal for a collective media improvisation designed for people to express themselves, connect with the environment and soak themselves in the room full of sounds, lights, and other sensory triggers. Read more