The No Way Experience

  • Europe

In Zygmunt Bauman’s society of uncertainty, certain ty educates, univocity enchants, and habit reigns. Music seeks its place among entertainment and boredom, in the most fragmented proposition the world has ever welcomed. Interpretation as stan dard, definition as limitation, and listening as learn ing are just some of the delicate issues character izing the post-modern era, which for the first time in history sees technical reproduction reign over art. This research arises from the tangible discomfort increasingly found in ‘cultured’ genres of music, a discomfort caused by the increasing need for oppor tunities that move away from the conventional to ward the personal. NWE therefore asks:How to pro pose and interpret today music conceived in such a different past and how to create new music that is unconventional and conscious of modern fruition at the same time? How to make the genre not a lim itation but an opportunity? How does the nature of perception influence the conception of the category Music? Who is the performer today? Focus will be on the figure of the performer, the average listener, the role of writing and music in general, exploring the necessary artistic, sociological, psychological and historical aspects. Institutions of international importance including the ZHdK in Zurich, the Or pheus Institute in Ghent, the conservatories of Mi lan and Florence and their respective students are already involved in the research. Thanks to SoC, the research would be able to count on the stimuli and feedback from the various participants, which are crucial for the development of the ideas. The goal is to outline a critical plan that can lead the way to a practical and viable solution, to a network of artists and students that could reform a scene in search of novelty. Thus was born The No Way Experience, the itinerant music festival where traditional rules of mu sic are challenged and pushed to the limit. NWE is unique multi-artistic events that will never be repeat ed in the same way. It is live, human, risky, imperfect and unpredictable. It is a meeting point of cultures, but also an opportunity to explore uncharted musical territories. NWE doesn’t target a specific audience, it mutates to reach everybody. NWE breaks free from praxis in favour of interpretation, it studies habits to shatter their monotony. NWE is not definition, it is emancipation. NWE is not just us, NWE is you.

Riccardo Acciarino

A multifaceted multi-instrumentalist with an international concert career that ranges across opposing musical genres.

“Wild River: prelude"

03.02.2024, 03.02.24 Part 1: 13:00 – 14:00 Part 2: 16:00 – 17:00

School of Commons event - “Wild River: prelude" – live installation by Jasmine Alakari & Riccardo Acciarino

This remarkable installation represents a sensory experience resulting from the collaboration between the internationally renowned institutions MONOM Studio, Sentient, LIOS Labs, and Pietro Dossena, composer and professor at the Conservatorio L. Canepa of Sassari, under the curation of Riccardo Acciarino and Jasmine Alakari. Find out more


02.11.2023, 02.11.23, 18:00 – 20:00

School of Commons Teaching Session: FREE UPDATE

By means of fragmentation, destruction and the reconstitution of well-known figures, themes and strategies of mass media, Bjørn Melhus not only creates possibilities of other interpretations and critical commentaries but also tries to redefine the relationship between mass media and spectators. Find out more

The No Way Experience

03.05.2022 — 06.05.2022, 03.05.22, 18:00 – 06.05.22, 16:00

The No Way Experience

The No Way Experience has the not at all modest aim of creating a musical dimension that does not exist. A musical dimension that is first of all a crossroads. Find out more