Based in London

She is part of the founding Faculty at the London Interdisciplinary School, where she likes to preach that images are as important as words and numbers. Once she was Head of Art in El Bosque University in Bogota, Colombia. She cares about how to inhabit in a more radical way the present. She mostly works in collectivity.
The Situated Kitchen

An (undertranslated) illustrated dictionary for alimentary sovereignty por Marina Monsonís Read more
Intersemiotic undertranslation
17.11.2023, 17.11.23, 17:00–19:00

This event will be moderated by María Angélica Madero and Santiago Pinyol, in collaboration with Laura Emsley. Intersemiotic translation or transmutation is an interpretation of verbal signs from nonverbal sign systems. Find out more
Consensual Questioning and Collective Implementation
17.10.2023, 17.10.23, 18:00 – 20:00

Consensual Questioning and Collective Implementation is a lecture and workshop event, during which Pendar Nabipour, a visual artist, independent curator and art educated based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands will introduce possible answers to these questions in relation to his research project Open Source Governance. Find out more
Radical undertranslation
22.09.2023, 22.09.23, 11:00 – 12:00

During the intensive weekend of School of Commons, decolonial (re)mediators will perform a collective “undertranslation” of Barranquilla 2132 by José Antonio Osorio Lizarazo, a colombian science fiction book first published in 1932. Find out more
Playlist Undertranslation/Subtraducción

If you were to run an Undertranslation workshop, or you want to focus on undertranslating, please consider listening to our playlist. Read more
Garage Ultratranslation Marathon: Cocina situada / Situated Kitchen
13.05.2023 — 14.05.2023, 13.05.23, 12:00 – 14.05.23, 19:00

During the Ultrahospitality weekend we will perform a collective “ultratranslation” of “La cocina situada” (The situated kitchen), a book by our dear friend Marina Monsonís. Her book is a small “illustrated dictionary for food sovereignty”. Find out more
Un Manifiesto para Subtraducir

You should try talking in my shoes for a mile. —Sofia Vergara Read more
Decolonial (re)mediators editorial manifestin
03.02.2024, 03.02.24, 21:00 – 22:00

In our intense time as part of the SoC we saw our project go from “expectations” to “reality”. Find out more
A Manifesto for Undertranslation

You should try talking in my shoes for a mile —Sofia Vergara Nothing is lost in translation. Everything was always already lost, long before we arrived. —A manifesto for Ultratranslation by Antena Read more
Subject: Reply to Lina Zeller or to Whom it may concern

Leigh-on-sea, Wednesday 20th of September, 2023 Read more