Toni Areal, Zurich University of the Arts, Viaduktraum 2.A05, Ebene 2, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Zürich
Radical undertranslation
22.09.2023, 22.09.23, 11:00 – 12:00
- Europe
- Program
A mysterious explosion disturbs the silence and tranquility that characterize 22nd century Barranquilla. A building is destroyed and, in its foundations, the body of Dr. Juan Francisco Rogers appears, waking up after two hundred years of hibernation. This 1932 novel is one of Osorio Lizarazo’s least remembered works and is one of the first forays of Colombian literature into the genre of science fiction.
The workshop started by giving each participant a pen and a piece of dry clay.

By the end, we had the whole book translated.
María Angélica Madero
María Angélica this year is getting rid of categories that limit her.
Santiago Pinyol
Santiago is an undisciplined artist who situates his practice on the coastline between art and education.
This event is part of SoC Gathering, 2023
Decolonial (re)mediators editorial manifestin
03.02.2024, 03.02.24, 21:00 – 22:00

In our intense time as part of the SoC we saw our project go from “expectations” to “reality”. Find out more
Intersemiotic undertranslation
17.11.2023, 17.11.23, 17:00–19:00

This event will be moderated by María Angélica Madero and Santiago Pinyol, in collaboration with Laura Emsley. Intersemiotic translation or transmutation is an interpretation of verbal signs from nonverbal sign systems. Find out more
Cuando los subalternos entran en el museo: desobediencia epistémica y crítica institucional.a institucional

This text by Paul Preciado was undertranslated by the second year students of deFine Art department from the Willem de Kooning Academy as part of a theory class. Find out more
Un mundo ch'ixi es posible. Capítulo: Micropolítica andina. Formas elementales de insurgencia cotidiana

This text by Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui was undertranslated by the third year students of the Critical Studies minor from the Willem de Kooning Academy. Find out more
School of Commons trifft Glitter
22.09.2023, 22.09.23, 19:30

Wie kann man Zusammenarbeit, Zusammenleben, Zusammensein anders denken? Glitter, die erste queere deutschsprachige Find out more
Sonic inclusions
21.09.2023, 21.09.23, 16.00-17.30

Sound installation with recordings from Almaty, Berlin, Bogota, Kampala, Paris, Venice and more Find out more