MANDALA by Fernanda Barreto


The mandala is a work diagram inspired by the mandalas used in tarot cards and astrological charts. They are structures divided into 12 houses and each house is ruled by a zodiac sign (starting with the 1st house in Aries and ending with the 12th house in Pisces).

The mandala is an orientation game, a set of mirrors that opens a field to understanding the other from its own universe. It promotes reflection, broadens the perception and gives access to consciousness. Each house represents a scenario that corresponds to a category of life and between the major arcana, which represent the order of action, and the minor arcana, which govern the way in which the action is carried out, the way in which one is moving in the world at this moment is deepened and understood.


The mandala was conceived from this knowledge as a working tool to deepen some questions related to projects and collective work.

The first application of the exercise happened in the context of the UNAM’s 3rd Biennial of Arts and Design titled Intangible Resistance, ideas to postpone the end of the world.

The mandala was conceived as an organizational and reflective tool structured in 8 houses that invite each collective to ask themselves about their processes and objectives from different perspectives. Each house explores an aspect of the universe of each project, from an internal and external point of view. The idea was to map very specific questions related to the collective work processes and also share them in a graphic way.

MANDALA by Fernanda Barreto