SoC x SACO: Ways and Workings

22.09.2023, 22.09.23, 15:00 – 16:30

  • Europe

Toni Areal, Zurich University of the Arts, Viaduktraum 2.A05, Ebene 2, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Zürich

  • Program

Moderated by Chantelle Lue

Friday. 22. September 15:00 – 16:30h cest

Dagmara Wyskiel is a Polish visual artist, based in Chile. PhD from the University of Fine Arts in Krakow. Director of the International Biennial of Contemporary Art, SACO. For fifteen years she has been carrying out multiple curatorial strategies in the Atacama Desert. Manages the Latin American Superior Institute of Art (ISLA). Director and academic author of the diploma course Microcuradurías, curatorships from the margins (2022). She was field editor of the Chile Triennial in 2009. Winner of Grand Prize at the XVII Asia Biennale in Bangladesh with Juego Mixto, 2016.

Earlier this year our team members, Chantelle Lue and Gabriel Hensche, visited Antofagasta. A journey made possible thanks to the second stage of the “To-gather” program, developed in collaboration with Pro Helvetia—an entity seeking to strengthen the exchange between curators, organisers and artists from Switzerland and the South American Altiplano.

We look forward to welcoming Dagmara Wyskiel and Carlos Rendón, of SACO to Zurich.

SACO Contemporary Art Biennial

SACO is held annually in the Antofagasta region, in the north of Chile, as an independent initiative of the Collective SE VENDE Mobile Contemporary Art Platform, under the direction of Dagmara Wyskiel and produced by Christian Núñez.

Dagmara Wyskiel

Dagmara is a Polish visual artist, based in Chile. PhD from the University of Fine Arts in Krakow. Director of the International Biennial of Contemporary Art, SACO.

Carlos Rendón Bejarano

Carlos is the Liaison Manager and Management Assistant at SACO Contemporary Art Biennial.

Marea Hildebrand

Marea has been directing the project since its beginnings in late 2016. With an established background in arts education, she earned a BA in Art Education and an MA in Transdisciplinary Studies, from Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK).

Chantelle Lue

Since 2023, Chantelle has been part of the leadership team at the School of Commons, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), where she oversees communications and supports the public program and growing alumn* network.