There, There: saldo

The turn of one calendar year to another typically sets forth a long-term perspective toward the next year. The last days of the year are often filled with affirmations, resolutions, and wishes for the new year, widely propagated on social media outlets. However, on the last day of the previous year, one particular message stood out to me. Reading it revealed a deep connection between the temporal scale of a year and that of a lifetime. The inevitable interplay of loss and gain, joy and sorrow, excitement and boredom, brought to mind the well-known phrase: “as above, so below.” In his work exploring the bridges between alchemy and chaos theory, Robin Robertson addresses this notion by examining the idea that the macrocosm (the Universe or God) and the microcosm (the physical world, a human being) are inherently connected. (Robertson 2014)

*Robertson, R. (2014). As above, so below. Psychological Perspectives, 57(4), 403-425.)

The post that I have read and the points listed, reflected upon and considered within the temporal domain, offered me numerous inextricably linked polarities that become apparent as parts that affect each other and, within the spectrum of their difference, have profound meaning within every transformative process on both the micro- and macro-levels of our lives and the world we are part of.

A member of the “There, there” working group

Maria Aus SALDO
This work was submitted at the juncture of the calendar year's transition.

This work was submitted at the juncture of the calendar year's transition.

Maria Aus

Maria is a visual artist specialized in filmmaking & photography.